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Trolls are a species of sapient humanoids that evolved in an entirely different universe on the planet Alternia. Unlike many other humanoid species, Trolls are decidedly more alien-like with stranger biological attributes compared to humans or mammalian humanoids.

The Troll species upon their arrival to the universe declared a planet in the Rigel Priman solar system to be their new homeworld and named it Afteron.


No virgin mother grub by dexteri-d4sskjn

A Mother Grub full of reproductive slurry.

Trolls begin their lives as eggs laid by a 'Mother Grub' which acts as the facilitator for their reproductive process. The Mother Grub itself is alike to a queen bee or ant of any insectoid colony and is responsible for laying the eggs that eventually hatch into a troll's first biological stage. Mother Grubs hatch from their own eggs separate of the Troll species itself. It is unclear if Mother Grubs are indeed part of the Troll species or a species sharing a symbiotic relationship with the species but it is impossible for humanoid trolls to produce their own eggs to reproduce, suggesting the former rather than the latter. Mother Grubs create eggs from a reproductive slurry offered by mature humanoid trolls. They demand caretaking and upkeep by a subclass of troll to reproduce and live comfortably.

The first stage of life for trolls begin at the grub stage after hatching.


A grub example.

Grubs are mostly insectoid with a humanoid head, grey skin, yellow eyes with black irises, jet black hair, and tiny hot-orange horns extending from their skulls. Grubs are more animalistic and do not develop a sense of cognizance until they pupate into their humanoid form. Grubs exhibit the color that matches their blood type thanks to the thin membrane of their skin. A grub's blood color determines the class and abilities of the grub in question.

Castes of trolls are determined by their blood type which varies depending on the color of it. There are twelve official blood colors from rust red to fuchsia and cover the color wheel in a spectrum. Biological abilities and even longevity are determined by the blood types.

Color Attribute
Rust Lowest caste with shortest lifespan. Low physical abilities. Powerful psychic powers.
Bronze Low class. Improved physical abilities and psychic telepathy.
Gold Lower class. Typically have the most powerful psychic abilities. Occasionally have differently colored eyes that can shoot powerful lasers. Physically unimpressive.
Candy Red Formerly a mutated Lime color which was previously eradicated from the Troll bloodline. No remarkable attributes aside increased empathy and sympathy compared to other classes.
Olive Green Midblood caste with impressive physical abilities but no psychic talents.
Jade Rare Midblood caste that specifically tends to the Mother Grubs. Are exclusively female. Jadebloods can become 'Rainbow Drinkers', a sort of Troll-vampire that glows in the dark.
Teal Highest midblood caste. Higher tolerance against mental manipulation and hardier constitutions compared to lower classes. Arguably one of the more intelligent classes.
Cerulean Lowest highblood class. Typically a male dominated class. Rarely can develop psychic abilities that affect the minds of others.
Indigo Highblooded class, typically stronger than other trolls but lacks psychic capabilities. Typically male dominated like Cerulean.
Purple Highest blood caste on land. Known to be the strongest and sturdiest of trolls with psychic abilities known as the 'Chucklevoodoos'. Known to be the most unpredictable of classes.
Violet Highblood seadwelling class. Features gills and an amphibious nature which allows life in the air or sea. One of the most violent classes.
Fuchsia Rarest highestblooded caste and exclusively female. Shares the seadwelling capabilities of Violet but can traverse the deepest trenches thanks to a higher resistance to pressure thanks to a sturdier body.

After pupating Trolls steadily grow to adulthood. Their puberty begins at 13 years old, or 6 sweeps in their terminology. Adult trolls feature eyes filled with the color of their blood rather than the typical yellow sclera. Troll longevity is determined by their place on the hemospectrum. Rusts live the shortest with only a few decades life expectancy compared to Fuchsia, which can live for millenia comfortably without signs of aging or wasting away.
